Foundation Principles

There are many Foundation Principles that we will use while working with you. Here are a few of the principles. Once they are understood and put into your thought process, challenges, situations and events will become clearer and easier to navigate.

  1. There are no mistakes – We always choose what we believe is the best possible choice in any given situation. Instead of directing energy toward the past by beating ourselves up over mistakes, why not ask “What is the lesson? What can be learned from this experience”
  2. Each moment describes who you are, and gives you the opportunity to decide if it’s who you want to be – Life is a journey, a becoming, a growing, a process. We set goals and they are motivating factors; but to live in the moment, in present time, means not to measure success by the realization of that goal, but by the process, as it is in the process that we can decide our own measure of success.
  3. The only constant is change – When we understand that the only constancy in our lives is change, we can let go of the need for control, and allow life to flow. The choice is not in stopping change, but in how you deal with it.
  4. All experiences are opportunities for growth – Our aim is to help you, the client, move out of your comfort zones, and break through whatever is holding you back from attaining what it is you want.